How To Increase Your Blog's Alexa Rank?
Alexa Traffic Rank is based on 3 months of aggregated historical traffic data from more than 1 million of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users. As a 1st step, computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time. On April 16th, 2008 many users reported dramatic shifts in their Alexa rankings. Alexa confirmed this later in the day with an announcement that they had released the "New Alexa Ranking System" claiming that they now take into account more data sources.
I've been wanting to increase my Alexa Traffic Rank ever since i started blogging on this make money online blog, because Alexa Rank is one of the gauge to measure your rankings in the blogosphere. I searched for tips & tricks on Google and try those and luckily some of those work. From Traffic Rank of 8,000,000 in February 2008 now i managed to lowered it to 945,984. One of my blog today has it it's highest Alexa Rank so far of 89,126! How I do that?
1. Download the Alexa Toolbar for Internet Explorer, If you're using Firefox,download the add-ons: "SearchStatus" and "Alexa Sparky".
2. Put the Alexa Rank widget on your blogs (like that on my sidebar)
3. Encourage others to use the Alexa Toolbar and SearchStatus/Alexa Sparky Firefox add-ons. If you have multiple PC's at home do the same thing.
4. Click on your Alexa Rank widget every week, or encourage other to visit your Alexa rank page from your blog page.
5. Finally join Entrecard, most EC members have Alexa toolbar installed on their PC, hence giving you more Alexa hits. I'm spending 1 hour a day on Entrecard, and eversince my Alexa Rank lowers (which is good) But i don't encourage bloggers to waste their time on EC, 1 hour is enough. Because mostly visits from Entrecard are drop & go! Yes you got a lot of hits but high bounce rate too.
How To Increase Your Blog's Alexa Rank?
Reviewed by Armando Nevarez
June 23, 2019
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